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G-Cloud 6 puts Puzzel in the digital marketplace

Puzzel (formerly Intelecom’s contact centre entity) has once again been awarded a place in the government’s G-Cloud Digital Marketplace.

Originally accepted onto the G-Cloud Programme in 2013 Puzzel welcomes the move from the CloudStore to the Digital Marketplace with its improved search functionality. The latest iteration, G-Cloud 6 brings the total number of suppliers on the Digital Marketplace to 1,852 (87% SME’s), with 19,966 services available and total sales passing £430m at the end of 2014.

G-Cloud 6 makes it easier for public sector organisations looking for a cloud-based contact centre service solution partner and underlines Puzzel’s status as a trusted supplier of multi-channel contact centres in the cloud. It presents a perfect platform for Puzzel to promote its services and at the same time, makes it easier and less costly for public bodies to purchase new technology.

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