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4 ways to enhance client experience in Financial Services.

Jacob Gardiner
Senior Account Executive | Finance & Insurance sector

The financial services industry has changed radically in the past decade. From relying on traditional in-person meetings as the main point of contact, the industry has now fully embraced a digital-first approach. At the same time, clients demand convenience, security and personalised interactions. In fact, 80% of clients say the experience a company provides is as important as its products and services.  

To keep up with these changing needs, financial services providers must innovate and use technology to create superior client experience. They must find the right balance between offering digital solutions and maintaining a human touch that fosters trust. 

Here, we’ll explore the current state of client expectations and look at how financial services providers can meet these demands.  

What do clients expect from their financial service providers?   

Picture this: The year is 2005. You have been saving for months, and you are at your local bank to physically deposit your coins and notes into your bank account. While you’re there, you receive assistance from a teller, making you feel a sense of trust and security. 

Fast forward to today, the world is going fully digital, but clients still want to experience a trustful and personalised experience. Clients today expect more from their financial providers than ever before. They want products and services that are tailored to their individual needs, preferences, and behaviours. They want to have a consistent and seamless experience across multiple channels and touchpoints.  

The good news is that a study by Harvard found that 64% of financial services companies say that improving CX is a top-five business priority for the year ahead. 

Now, let’s look at four ways financial service providers can meet these demands and deliver great client experiences.  

1. Enhancing personalisation and segmentation 

Personalisation is essential for client satisfaction and loyalty. In fact, a Glassbox study found that 72% of clients view a personalised banking experience as important. To meet the expectations of today’s clients, financial services providers need to deliver meaningful and personalised experiences that match their needs, preferences, and behaviours. Ultimately, if done well, personalisation at scale can lead to significant business benefits for financial services providers. In fact, a report by Boston Consulting Group, state that personalisation can lead to annual revenue uplifts of 10% for banks. 

The key to achieving this lies in utilising client data and analytics. By collecting and analysing data from various sources, such as transactions, feedback, web analytics, and social media, financial services providers can gain insights into their clients’ profiles, segments, and journeys. This will enable them to provide relevant and timely communication and offers to their clients, through their preferred channels and devices. 

Financial services providers also need to use technology to get a single view of the customer, enabling them to understand their clients’ needs, preferences, and behaviours, and to offer them personalised solutions and advice. 

2. Embracing digital transformation

Keeping up with digital advancements is crucial for a good client experience. Without the right tools and systems in place, financial service providers will have a hard time meeting customer expectations and handling the heightened volume of customer enquiries. However, many financial services companies are lagging behind their digital transformation efforts. Only 7% have fully implemented a highly integrated, cloud-based technology stack. Moreover, 33% expect challenges with outdated systems in the near future. Digital CX technology can help financial providers deliver seamless, secure, and satisfying customer experiences across multiple channels and touchpoints. The good news is that 46% of banking and financial services executives plan to invest 11-25% more in digital CX technology, according to a survey by Forbes Insights and Glassbox.  

3. Balancing technology with people 

While digital solutions can provide convenience and efficiency for your clients, they cannot replace the human element that is essential for building trust and loyalty. According to a report by Accenture, 77% of consumers still want human interaction when they need advice or guidance. Therefore, financial service providers need to balance their digital and human channels and offer their clients the choice and flexibility to switch between them as per their preference and situation. For example, financial services providers can use chatbots and voice assistants to handle simple and routine enquiries such as bank balance and transfer the client to a human agent when they need more complex or personalised assistance.  

4. Ensuring seamless customer journeys  

Clients want easy, seamless, and connected experiences when they interact with their financial service provider. Whether they want to make transfers, apply for loans, or check funding status, they should be able to navigate the channels easily and intuitively. However, a Salesforce study found that 55% of clients feel like they're communicating with separate departments and 56% say they often have to repeat or re-explain information to different representations. 

Financial services providers need to upgrade from outdated, siloed systems, which hinder the customer experience. On a positive note, Puzzel’s recent study found that 80% of contact centres view customer journey optimisation as an important focus area in the time ahead.  

Investing in an omnichannel customer engagement platform helps financial services providers deliver consistent customer journeys across all touchpoints. It allows clients to switch between these channels without any friction or data loss. It also gives businesses valuable insights into customer behaviour and preferences (which, in turn, enables better personalisation). 

The financial services industry is changing rapidly, and so are the expectations of the clients. To deliver a great client experience, financial service providers need to innovate and use a mix of technology and people to create personalised, seamless, and secure experiences for their clients. They also need to maintain a human touch, and ensure that they make their clients feel valued, understood, and cared for. By doing so, they can increase client satisfaction, loyalty, and revenue, and gain a competitive edge in the digital age of financial services. 

Let’s connect! 

If this article resonates with your current situation, we’re here to help. Feel free to reach out for a tailored demo or connect with us on LinkedIn by clicking our names below! 


Scott Walker, Senior AE | CX & AX Specialist | FS&I Sector 
Jacob Gardiner, Senior AE | CX & AX Specialist | FS&I Sector 


What is client experience?

Client experience refers to the overall perception and satisfaction level a client has with a company or service provider based on their interactions and transactions. It encompasses every touchpoint and interaction a client has with the company, from the initial inquiry to post-purchase support. A positive client experience involves meeting or exceeding client expectations, providing personalised and seamless interactions, and fostering trust and loyalty.

Why is client experience important in the financial services industry?

Client experience is crucial in the financial services industry because it directly impacts client satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, business success. Clients today expect convenient, secure, and personalised interactions from their financial service providers. Failing to meet these expectations can result in client dissatisfaction, loss of trust, and potential churn.

What are some key client expectations from financial service providers today?

Clients expect financial service providers to offer products and services tailored to their individual needs, preferences, and behaviours. They also desire consistent and seamless experiences across multiple channels and touchpoints. Additionally, clients value personalised communication and offers, as well as the option to interact with human representatives when needed.

How can financial service providers enhance personalisation and segmentation for clients?

Financial service providers can enhance personalisation and segmentation by leveraging client data and analytics. This involves collecting and analysing data from various sources to gain insights into clients' profiles, segments, and journeys. By understanding clients' needs and behaviours, providers can offer relevant and timely communication and offers through preferred channels and devices.

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