To case overview
Aalborg Forsyning
Energy & Utilities
Aalborg Forsyning Enhances Customer Experience with Live Chat Solutions.
Morgan Sandberg
Customer Marketing Director

Aalborg Forsyning is a network of utility companies owned by Aalborg Municipality, the third-largest municipality in Denmark. They provide essential services such as district heating, gas, water, wastewater drainage, garbage collection, and energy consulting. With a mission to create sustainability and safety for current and future generations, Aalborg Forsyning is committed to delivering excellent customer and partner experiences. 

Background: Embracing digital Innovation for better service

As one of Denmark's largest municipalities, Aalborg Forsyning serves a vast number of customers daily. Recognising the growing demand for digital services, the organisation sought innovative solutions to enhance customer experiences. Internally, they aimed to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and make intelligent use of the extensive data they possess about customer utilities. 

Solution: Implementing live chat for enhanced customer interaction

To address these needs, Aalborg Forsyning implemented SupWiz’s live chat solution (later acquired by Puzzel) as a first step towards developing a full-scale chatbot. This decision was made to handle customer queries more efficiently and lay the groundwork for future AI-driven customer support. 

Results: Proactive support with 24/7 availability

With the live chat solution in place, Aalborg Forsyning now provides proactive customer support around the clock. The live chat enables them to efficiently address customer queries, ensuring a seamless experience for all users. 

Through the integration of live chat, Aalborg Forsyning is setting the stage for more advanced digital solutions, ensuring they remain at the forefront of customer service excellence while preparing for future innovations. 

Lars Jensen, Customer Director at Aalborg Forsyning, explains: “To start our chatbot project in a safe way, we wanted to begin by implementing a simple live chat to see what kind of customer queries we will receive on this channel. This way, we are forming the basis for our upcoming chatbot. We are very satisfied with the live chat and actually see it as an onboarding process for our new “colleague” (chatbot) – a colleague that never goes home!”

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